Streamus: YouTube Music Player

I’ve been using Spotify Premium for quite a while now, and it has been my source for any type of music and I would say it has been quite well. Sadly they had a disagreement with Taylor Swift though.

I still see a lot of my friends, especially those who are still students, listens to music through YouTube. I’m not saying its a bad idea, anyway it is a legitimate way to stream music as the artists are paid through ad revenues.

But then again a question that I will always be asking: How can the experience be enhanced?

Just a few moments before this blog post, I stumbled upon a post by The Next Web. And it’s awesome.

Introducing Streamus, the Chrome extension that streams music! Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 9.13.53 pm

As simple as it sounds, it streams music from YouTube in the background as an extension.

Screen Shot 2015-01-27 at 9.38.43 pm

Im not going write more about how it works or how great it is. You can read it at The Next Web’s article here.

Upon adding and using this on my Chrome browser, it inspired me to develop things on a different perspective. Usually the ideas I get for software development or related stuff are through problem seeking. This idea took it to anther level, giving me a new angle/view on development. With such a simple idea, a popular platform and tool, an establish source of content, you can create something so useful! I bet this thing is going to be a hit. Hopefully it doesn’t get taken down by YouTube though.

To all you students in school computer labs out there, office people who has access to the internet, all the chrome OS users,  it is time to launch your Chrome Browsers!

All aboard the Chrome app and extension development train! and also time to listen to Taylor Swift songs 🙂

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